Friday, April 2, 2010

Pure Empowerment

Alright Girls, The time is yours. If what I have to say only helps one other person, than I will feel satisfied. Here's what recently happened (as in 20 minutes ago).

Last week I met a man. He was funny, smart, tall, cute. Great right? Well he asked me out for Saturday and it was a lot of fun. In fact, I was very surprised. Then on Wednesday he asked me out for lunch. Nod your head if you feel these are all good signs. Good.

Okay so after lunch i said to the undisclosed individual "Hey would you want to get together Friday," His reply "Yes, I would. But I may go home for conference. But yes, I want to"

Now its Friday. 4 p.m. Nothing. So I figure, hey he must have headed home to his mom's. I sent him a quick text around that time asking if he decided to head home. No reply.

The beauty of this day was I had just found out I got the job I have been waiting to have. In fact, I felt on top of the world. I still do. It's great.

Then around 9:45 I received a text from him. Are you excited to know what it said? His reply "No"

Alright genius I wasn't just born yesterday and there is no way you are the first guy I have gone out with. We all know what that text meant don't we? He was sending me the, "You bug me, leave me alone" sign.

Awesome. All the signs seemed to have pointed toward him being interested in me. I am not a moron and there is no way I was reading his signs wrong. Therefore I have come to the conclusion: He's bipolar OR he's a complete jerk

So what do you think I did ladies? Did I cry? Did I blame myself for being too pushy? Did I think that I am hideous and not worth any attention. NO, I did none of those and in fact I did the complete opposite.

That's right, I told the low-life tool to get a life. I told him, "I am not a confrontational person but how you acted was an inappropriate way to treat a woman, if she bothers you or not. I hope for your sake you figure out how to treat a women with a little more respect. That's all I have to say."

The reply? Nothing. Did I expect anything from a spineless wimp? Nope.

But I want to publicly thanks this none man of a man. Thank you for giving me the power to stand up to a jerk. Thank you for helping me realize the inner power I have. And thank you for letting me know you are a total tool within a week of knowing you.

This is something we girls need to learn from, men too. Treat people with respect and stop being rude. If you don't like someone, be honest. It's the least you can do. Because guess what? They have a heart like you. They have problems, like you. They have a family, values, and dreams just like you. So treat them how you would like to be treated. Didn't we learn this back in elementary school? I thought so

Maybe he missed 1st grade.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Men and Sardines

Dating: it's kind of like going to the grocery store, buying fresh produce, and then discovering it's all gone bad in a day or two.

I need to preface this thought process so those of you who think I'm bitter know I'm not. I'm simply exhausted both mentally and emotionally from dating itself.

In a 2 month period I had what my sister has creatively deemed as "The Failed Four" yes, all 4 of you should feel privileged to have received an official title other than lameo or tool.

What was rather eerie was all 4 gave me the relatively same explanation. Which was, they thought I was amazing but...

What else was creepy was they all 4 were relatively the same person. I guess I didn't get the clue after the first one. I had to go through 3 more just to get the wake up call.

Here's the situation: I had dated a real jerk for a bit who really had nothing I was looking for. Definitely on my list of life's top mistakes. Though, I did learn something. Don't date losers.

With that in mind I set off to date good quality men, so that's what I did, for a year. But not till now have I realized, they are poor quality... Just in another form.

All of them were really spiritual, smart , and ambitious. Great qualities right? But sadly they were all caught up in themselves.

I have weaknesses, I'm admitting this. I'm not here to bash men I've dated. In fact, I would love it if I could stand in front of you today and brag about the quality of men I've dated, but that isn't the case.

I challenge a quality, non-self obsessed, interesting man to step up to the plate. Really, I know they exist, I'm just waiting for them to come out of their hiding spots.

I'm through with playing hide and seek.. Or maybe it's sardines and all the good men have hidden together and once I find one, I find them all. Truthfully though, I only need one.

I'm not saying I want my husband to find me instantly (intentional rhyme) because that would ruin all the fun of waiting (sarcasm alert) I'm just asking for some proof that quality men exist today. But faith is not what you see...

So I'll continue to have faith, though I can't promise it on high levels, but it's there inside of me.

Dear Failed Four,

You all were great guys. I'm glad we were able to rub shoulders... Literally( because you all were physical touch phobics)

I just hope you find the strength to not be so self focused. Then you will discover the girl if your dreams, yes I'm a fortune cookie.

I suppose there are men out there dying to say touché.. I honestly don't think I'm an extremely selfish individual, at least I'm more considerate than the average Jane

Till then I'll just keep counting down well the amazing men find their hiding spots and I can go search for them..

1,230..1,229, 1,228....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Angsty Encounter with a Tool

First of all, don't act like you know something, when in fact you have no clue.

It's time for more people to come out and fully admit they have no idea to an answer. Maybe it happens everywhere, or maybe it happens more at BYU. I've been here for almost 4 years so my idea of reality is a bit skewed.

So back to the topic of this blog: dating. Lately I have been speaking with a lot of girls in the Provo realm, and they are frustrated. So I am here to be a voice of those women, because they deserve one.

Now to hone in on an even more specific topic, it is, "R.M.'s who think they know everything and in return, deserve everything." News for you, you don't.

Disclaimer: There are a lot of men I know that are great guys, but sadly I know just as many tools.

Today I ran into this guy that I was going to be set up with. Personally, I was not interested in him because in our first meeting he brought up the point that he was hot roughly 5 times in 30 minutes. Props to him, I didn't know that was morbidly possible.

The whole time I stood speaking to him today I was internally rolling my eyes. In reality I should have walked away from him in mid sentence.In our five minute conversation he put me down and my work down, numerous times.

Message to the cocky boy: You are not hot. You have nothing to offer me, so seriously go get a life.

Message to the women in Provo: Don't worry about cocky men who walk around acting like they know it all. Be the best person you can be and never settle. Ever.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great Ideas Come When they Come..Even in the Shower

If you fall under the following 3 categories, then you are at the right place. If not, then there is a Wendy's down the road.

1. You have been stuck at a traffic light
2. You have dated, at least once, hopefully more..but we welcome everyone here
3. You breathe air.

We good? Proceed forward--->

Life is an experiment. At least that's what my parents told me how I came about. Okay, I'm kidding about the second half.

Journals can be great, right? It's a perfect way to get thoughts that are inside, out. But for some strange reason, I really want to make specific thoughts public.

Maybe it will help someone in my situation, maybe it will make someone laugh at my oddities, or maybe it will inspire. I'm not sure what you will get out of this blog, but I hope it's positive.

Now to the point. The band, The Ting Tings, have a song called, "Traffic Light" They are my inspiration for this blog title. The inspiration for this blog comes from my most bizarre dating experiences and the very fact that I live in Provo, Utah.

Please feel free to put your input in. I'd love to hear it. Ready, Set, GREEN!