Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Angsty Encounter with a Tool

First of all, don't act like you know something, when in fact you have no clue.

It's time for more people to come out and fully admit they have no idea to an answer. Maybe it happens everywhere, or maybe it happens more at BYU. I've been here for almost 4 years so my idea of reality is a bit skewed.

So back to the topic of this blog: dating. Lately I have been speaking with a lot of girls in the Provo realm, and they are frustrated. So I am here to be a voice of those women, because they deserve one.

Now to hone in on an even more specific topic, it is, "R.M.'s who think they know everything and in return, deserve everything." News for you, you don't.

Disclaimer: There are a lot of men I know that are great guys, but sadly I know just as many tools.

Today I ran into this guy that I was going to be set up with. Personally, I was not interested in him because in our first meeting he brought up the point that he was hot roughly 5 times in 30 minutes. Props to him, I didn't know that was morbidly possible.

The whole time I stood speaking to him today I was internally rolling my eyes. In reality I should have walked away from him in mid sentence.In our five minute conversation he put me down and my work down, numerous times.

Message to the cocky boy: You are not hot. You have nothing to offer me, so seriously go get a life.

Message to the women in Provo: Don't worry about cocky men who walk around acting like they know it all. Be the best person you can be and never settle. Ever.

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